Small Business Representation

If you are thinking about forming a Sole Proprietorship, LLC, Partnership, Corporation, or switching from one type to another, I can be of assistance.

A small business person is an expert at the business they have created and managed. A common problem is getting your customers to pay for the goods and services you provided. My firm can help with that as we have years of experience in collections work.

Plus, you do not want to get bogged down in legal niceties that are required to properly run their shop. On the other hand, you cannot break the bank in legal fees getting to where you need to be.

Employment Law is one of the most rapidly changing areas of the law. Sixty years ago, there were not a great number of regulations that governed the workplace. Consider the alphabet soup of laws that have arisen since then: OSHA, FMLA, Title VII, ADEA, PDA, WARN Act, RCRA, HIPPA, FCRA, ACA. These have emerged in the past half century. And, do not forget additional regulations on existing laws like Workers’ Comp, and the FLSA.

I have often advised that it is a lot cheaper to set something up right to begin with than to pay to fix it later. My firm is available to help with all aspects of starting, growing, maintaining, and protecting your business.

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